Dr. Cronin’s community opportunities to teach have included in-service training, workshops, lectures to parent groups, school districts, physicians, mental health professionals, attorneys, and advocates. The goals of her instruction include demonstrating that providers have the necessary skills to recognize and work with individuals who present with autism spectrum disorders. Typically, the foundation or framework is accessible to them, so it is a matter of matching the individual’s needs to the resources and not getting distracted by the stereotype of autism or other excuses for behavior.
Dr. Cronin presented to California’s Blue Ribbon Commission on autism and engaged in discussions with legislators and families on the proposed bills, some of which have now been signed into law. As a result, the state had established the California Senate Select Committee on Autism & Related Disorders, chaired by then-Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, and identified the need for working groups throughout the state to participate.
Dr. Cronin has appreciated the opportunity to participate in the volunteer board of directors for Chapel Haven West (Tucson, Arizona; www.chapelhavenwest.com). Chapel Haven West is a two-year program for young adults with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum who have graduated from high school. The first class graduated in 2010, and the program remains enrolled to capacity. It has been a privilege to participate in this program’s mission that also includes community supports that serve both students and individuals with developmental disabilities as the program recognizes the significant need in the community for support across the lifespan for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Dr. Cronin has also received additional training on the ADOS-2 that allows her to train others in the community. Please CLICK HERE for more information on ADOS-2 training.
Please contact Dr. Cronin to discuss your agency’s request for continuing education or lecture.