- Parents Helping Parentswww.php.com
- Child Development Institutewww.childdevelopmentinfo.com
- California Department of Education/special educationwww.cde.ca.gov
- Family Resources – American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrywww.aacap.org
- California Department of Developmental Services www.dds.ca.gov
- American Academy of Pediatrics Parenting website www.healthychildren.org
- Spectrum/Autism Spectrum News www.spectrumnews.org
- Autism Speaks www.autismspeaks.org
- Autism Spectrum Connection www.aspergersyndrome.org
- Disability Rights California www.disabilityrightsca.org
- Wrightslaw (special education information and advocacy) www.wrightslaw.com
- Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center www.sloautism.org
- Organization for Autism Research www.researchautism.org
- UCLA Center or Autism Research and Treatment www.semel.ucla.edu
- Yale University Child Studies Center Autism Program www.medicine.yale.edu